26 March 2006

Vishwananda on "California Dreaming" US tour

The "Young Yogi" has been gallivanting all over the USA as part of his world tour for the "spiritual upliftment of people of all religions and cultures in order to bring them to Self-realisation". Or so he says. His Spring 2006 tour lasts from March 4th till April 26th, where he will hopefully generate enough of a spiritual revolution to "awaken the divinity within".

On the US webpage, it is listed that Visham will be hitting Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Encinitas, Palm Desert, Riverside - good areas of California - to top up his suntan. After that, he'll head to Hawaii, Colorado, Kansas, Toronto, Boston, New York, and wind it all up with a glittering finale in Washington D.C. A meeting with President Bush hasn't been announced but you never know with this boy's charisma.

While we praise the Young Yogi's ambitious plans to spark a major change in the collective consciousness, the disadvantages of his material age means that he has attained realisaiton before his time. He never had the guidance of a guru to school him in the ways of gurudom, and so his world tour in America may bring him temptations galore. Having already had to deal with rumours of flirting around with the ladies and possibly fathering a child, we wish him all success which he is sure to get thanks to his pro-active fundraising techniques.

Copyright © Sai Baba: Copycat Watch 2006.


At 4:53 pm, April 10, 2006, Blogger Sheen said...


Had a quick look at your "copycat" page and was amused at your Vishwananda update. I'm also a supporter in that he has landed up on a path not condusive to his material age - and without the direct guidance of a guru, he would miss the insight and astute observation of himself and "the importance of being comfortable with your age".

As for being self-realised - I have no doubt at all that this is a hoax. If this was the case, he would possess the relevant self knowledge to conduct himself as appropriate. Since I last put out my article, there has been further talk about problems regarding him. It seems that his time is coming very shortly as people are wisening up to the fact that he has been using yogic powers for his own material growth.

On a broader scale, I think there is a clear mis-perception of what it means to be Self-realised. Aside from being merged in God, it also means understanding the context of the world you live in and finding the balance in it.

I personally feel that although Gurus have played a role in the spiritual evolution, we are now coming into a time when they are becoming redundant as we acquire more intellect and awareness.

Take care and always have fun reading your articles!

At 12:38 am, April 14, 2006, Blogger Swami Saiexposedananda said...

Hi Sheen,

that sounds very ominous, "further talk". Would you have more details about this that you can share?

At 4:26 pm, April 25, 2006, Blogger Sheen said...

Further talk is that quite a few spiritual people around UK seem to be hearing alot of bad publicity, bad vibes etc about Vishwananda. It seems a number of people who used to go to him have left.

Another tidbit is that Vishwananda used to attend Sai services some years back in UK and was accepted as a Sai follower. Hence some of the Sai youth were acquainted with him - most people know him as Visham. Apparently some Sai youth members left to join his group. Evidently he's been projecting his powers brazenly.

To be honest I'm surprised he's been getting away with it for this length of time, but does look like he's now become transparent!

At 1:06 pm, May 18, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you interested in the truth about Swami Vishwananda?
April 16, 2009 by tellthetruth123

Jai Gurudev. Victory to the dispeller of ignorance and illusion.

This blog is being written by a small group of people who have known and loved Swami Vishwananda for several years and who feel that the truth has not been fairly represented in the communications that have come from Bhakti Marga and Swami Vishwananda. The intention is not to malign anyone, or to persuade anyone to do anything other than what their heart tells them to do, but rather to bring more light to the situation so that healing can begin;



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